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First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics

Beard Transplant – Effects and how to get through it?

A number of factors can trigger hair loss and certain aspects of an individual’s life can also cause the hair to fall off. Your genes, hormones, diet, lifestyle, alcohol intake, age and stress can all contribute to your hair loss condition.

Is it possible to grow a fuller-looking beard after suffering from beard hair loss?

Thanks to the science and medical advancements which made it possible to get a fuller beard. Beard transplants have come into existence from the past few years only, but now this treatment is more effective and advanced than ever. Not only scalp and beard, but it is also possible to implant hair to any part of the body with the help of hair transplant techniques.

Beard Transplant

The studies have shown that men with a fuller looking beard seem stronger and attractive than other men. We understand that not every man is blessed with abundant facial hair and if you are one of them, then you can consider the possible options. If you’ve tried several methods to grow your beard hair, but you do not get significant results yet, then beard transplant is the ultimate solution for you. By opting for beard transplant, you can look more mature and masculine.

Beard transplant with FUE and FUT techniques can restore the natural hair growth on the beard as well as mustache area. The tools and technologies used to control the depth, angle and direction of the implanted hair, result in getting a completely natural look of the beard.

The beard transplant procedure includes the following steps:

  • Hairline Designing

According to the patient’s requirements and the defined symmetry, the hair transplant doctor initially designs the beard area.

  • Extraction of Hair Follicles

In beard transplant, the extraction procedure is generally performed by the FUE method, in which the hair grafts are harvested individually (i.e. one by one) from the donor area (usually the back of the scalp).

  • Preparation of Follicles

Afterward, the extracted grafts are counted and the team separates the active and healthy grafts required for natural results and density.

  • Implantation of Hair Follicles

As per the predetermined hairline design, the extracted hair follicles are implanted one by one into the beard area by taking care of the precise angle, depth and direction.


beard transplant cost

Procedure & Recovery Time:

  • The beard transplant procedure takes only 3 – 5 hours and after that, you can go back home. There will be very small incisions on your face and you’ll not get hurt more than a small pinch.
  • The recovery period is comparatively less than other hair transplants. The recovery time to heal the wounds is approximately 3 – 4 days at maximum.

Effects of Beard Transplant:

  • In the worst scenario, the patient may expect a few days of slight swelling and redness around the transplanted area.
  • To get the good looking beard density, you need to sacrifice your hair from elsewhere (generally the back of the head). However, the scalp will not result in bald patches; it may only look slightly thinner than before.
  • The transplanted hair will fall out for once within 3 weeks and you don’t need to worry about it as it is temporary. After that, you’ll get permanent hair growth.
  • Once your new hair follicles will be permanently grafted, you can shave it in the normal way and style it in the desired way. Your transplanted hairs will then look and grow like the normal beard.

What is the difference between Beard & Scalp Hair?

There may be the difference between the quality of original beard hair and the hair that is transplanted and this is one of the side effects of beard transplantation. The beard and scalp hair differs in the following ways:

  • The hair produced in the scalp is different in texture from other bodily hair.
  • The hair on the head is usually thinner than the hair on the beard area.
  • Furthermore, the growth levels for both kinds of hair are not compatible. The scalp hair grows faster than the beard hair. So you’ll need to trim and shave the beard hair more frequently after transplantation.

Beard Transplant Cost

Beard Transplant Cost

Some hair transplant clinics will offer you this treatment on the basis of cost per graft, while some will charge you for the complete session. The cost per grafts usually starts from Rs. 20 to Rs. 30.  You can calculate the total cost for the beard transplant by the following method:

Price per Graft * Total Number of Grafts = Total Cost


You need to be a suitable candidate for a beard transplant. For this, you must not be suffering from any chronic diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Also, you should have sufficient donor area available for the grafts to be extracted. The number of grafts required may vary from one person to another. However, the average grafting for an individual is around 600 – 1500 grafts.


Post-Operative Care – How to get through Beard Transplant?

  • Take proper rest for 2 – 3 days so that the wounds can get healed efficiently.
  • Do not get the transplanted area wet for 3 – 4 days after the surgery.
  • Please refrain from smoking and alcohol for a few days after your procedure for best healing.
  • Do not expose the transplanted area to the sunlight. Cover your face properly while going somewhere.
  • There will be tiny crusts on the area of implantation. Do not rub the area and let these crusts fall out naturally.
  • The full beard growth will take time, approximately 6 – 8 months. So be calm and patient, because the results are going to be worth the Beard Transplant cost and time!


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