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First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics

Frequently Asked Question

Hair Transplant is a method of growing hairs on the bald portion by moving the follicles from the donor region to the recipient area. It is the surgical method by which hairs grow naturally.
The area from where the grafts are taken is known as donor region, and the area where the removed grafts are implanted to fill the baldness is called recipient area.

Talking about the popular methods, FUE is the most suitable technique in terms of efficiency as well as affordability.

It is a painless & stitch-less technique that works by extracting the follicular units one by one from the donor (baldness-resistant) area of the patient and subsequently, transplanting these follicular units to the recipient (bald) region.

A complete diagnosis & analysis is required to check whether the person is an ideal candidate or not. The blood tests are mandatory, and the candidate should not suffer from any considerable disease like sugar, blood pressure, etc. The patient should also have healthy immune system along with sufficient amount of active hair follicles on the donor area.
  • Investigation about hair restoration on the internet is a basic step that one must do before undergoing hair restoration surgery.
  • Check out the experience of the surgeons and their success rate in the surgical procedures performed by them till date. The surgeons having IAHRS certification or international alliance are considered more efficient & preferable.
  • Visit the clinic for analyzing the range of medical equipment and the level of hygiene & quality standards maintained there.

You need to be very careful about your recovery procedure. Getting a good surgical treatment is not at all sufficient to get desired results; the recovery procedure also plays an equally important role. It is always better to be well prepared about all the recovery methods & precautions; so that you can get total return value for the amount of money you’ve spent.

You also need to look after your donor area along with the recipient area after the treatment; so that both the regions can heal efficiently.

It is the most focusing aspect of hair transplant surgery as the budget is the primary concern of most of the patients. The significant cost deciding factors are:

  • Number of hair grafts
  • Location of clinic
  • Experience of surgeon
  • Technique of hair transplant
Not really, hair transplant is performed with very fine insulin syringes which hurt minimally and patients are given with local anesthesia in the donor & recipient areas which do the nerve blocking for some time and the patients don’t feel any pain at all.

With FUE technique, you’ll need only 2-3 days of rest period and afterward, you can join your workplace and start your routine activities.

After 3-4 weeks of hair transplant surgery, your implanted grafts fall off on a temporary basis, and it is a part of the recovery process. Nearly 2-3 months after the implantation, the new follicles start growing and a year after; full improvement is noticeable and can be seen as natural hair.

There will be no significant visible scars afterward, as FUE is a minimally invasive technique.

Now coming to the side effects of hair transplant surgery:

  • There can be some swelling over the scalp & forehead for 2-3 days after the treatment, but this is not a big concern as it passes off in very less time.
  • Local anesthesia used during the surgical procedure can cause numbness in some cases, which can last from few days to a few weeks; but it does not restrict the patients from doing normal day-to-day activities.
Don’t lose hope! You should search a little more about the best hair transplant clinic/surgeon and you can also consult with multiple doctors. If they recommend you to go for another hair restoration treatment, then you can consider it and this time, be cautious!
The transplanted grafts will have the same characteristics as that of hair on your donor area. And when the procedure is done with the right choice of surgeon & procedure, the results are so natural looking that even your hair stylist will not recognize about your hair transplantation.


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