How to Prepare for Hair Transplant Surgery?

So you’ve had a serious discussion with your doctor about hair transplantation and now you are all ready to take your steps towards the journey called hair transplant. But are you sure that you are ready to appear for the surgery? We guess no; why?

Hair Transplant surgery is not a small treatment procedure. Well, it might look one but it is one of the most critical surgeries ever and a little mistake on the part of both the parties (the doctor or the patient) will make you land in a pool of troubles. We believe that the surgeon should make a chart for you that will be having the set of rules and regulations that you will have to follow before & after the surgery. You yourself must be willing to do so as well.

hair-growth- chart

In this blog, we will outline few rules & regulations for you to follow in case you are one of those hair loss/baldness sufferers who have decided to go under the knife.

Stop Smoking: We know smoking kills; however, we hardly care to stop smoking. But, do not even dare to have this attitude if you are about to go for hair transplant surgery in next few weeks. Stop smoking right away. If you are holding one right now, throw it. Smoking will delay the healing of wounds after the surgery. It also reduces blood flow to the skin which later might create havoc with the surgery. So stop smoking at least two weeks prior to the surgery. You can stop it earlier as well to get good hair restoration results.

Massage Your Scalp: Massage your scalp every night before heading the bed. Make use of oils like coconut oil, almond oil or argan oil. Massaging the scalp will result into improved flow of blood to the scalp; thereby promoting the healthy growth of hair in the follicular units. It will also help you in relaxing.

Get Tested: If you are 45 years or above, we will advise you to have a thorough check up session with your physician. Get your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and ECG checked and consult the surgeon properly, so that you can get the green signal for hair transplant surgery.

No Blood Thinners: Say a big ‘NO’ to the blood thinner, especially before two weeks of the surgery. Blood thinners might interfere with the surgery; thereby causing excess of blood loss which will hamper your overall health.

Do Not Go for a Hair Cut: Do not indulge yourself with hair trimming two weeks prior the surgery. Though the surgeon will shave a small portion of the hair in order to grow the follicles, but that will be done on the day of surgery. It is advised to let your hair grow naturally so that it can hide any cut or scar which will be left behind as a result of incision.

Hair Loss Medication: You will be advised to take medicines for hair loss so as to curb any further loss of hair before the surgery.

One Week before the Surgery

No Alcohol: If you have the habit of consuming alcohol, stop it right away; or at least a week before the surgery.

No Sun Exposure: Do not expose your scalp under the harsh rays of the sun. Be clever and carry an umbrella or wear a hat to avoid your scalp from getting sun burnt.

Stop Supplements: The surgeon whom you are consulting with, will tell you to stop popping in any vitamin or antibiotic supplement that you have been taking until now.

Three Days before the Surgery

Hair Dye: You will be advised to color your hair brown or black if you are going for the robotic treatment to harvest the hair follicles. This you will be advised to do three days before the surgery, as it will allow the robot to identify the hair follicles easily.

On the Day of Surgery

Head Wash: Wash your hair using a mild shampoo on the day of surgery. Do not make use of leave in conditioner or hair serums on your hair apart from the shampoo.

Avoid Caffeine: It is best advised not to consume any caffeine before the surgery. Only consider having a plate of light lunch or breakfast.

Lastly, before wrapping up, we will advise you to get your surgery done from the hair transplant surgeon who is a master in this field. We’ll recommend First Choice Hair Transplant & Cosmetics Clinic in Ludhiana for hair transplant surgery. This clinic is well-known for achieving high success rate in the hair transplant results.